Facebook Ad That Converts step by step guide

February 21, 2021

How to Create a Facebook Ad that Converts – Step by Step Guide for Beginners

We check our social media twice (or may be 10 times) a day. Most people spend almost 40 minutes on average a day on Facebook; checking News Feed, making connections and staying in touch with family & friends. They are not exactly on Facebook for shopping or searching for their favorite sneakers brand.

Still, Facebook is considered one of the most powerful advertisement platforms out there. It smoothly places the ads to our feeds when we are not intentionally looking for them. Unlike YouTube, where we impatiently wait for the 5 seconds to end; just so we could hit Skip Ads.

Creating Facebook Ad

Designing a Facebook ad for your event, personal blog, product or business is not a child’s game. It requires skills – designing and copywriting on top of all.

In this guide, we will look at four steps which will help you in creating a simple Facebook Ad– an Ad that converts!

Let’s discuss each briefly.

Step 1: Create an appealing design for your Ad

There are four types of Ads which you can design and post on Facebook.

  • Image ads
  • Videos ads
  • Carousel ads
  • Collection ads

But, how should we design them?

There are perhaps hundreds of designing tools available for beginners (Windows Paint anyone?) and pro (Adobe PhotoShop – King). Some require an expert level of skills with a high learning curve. To keep things simple yet pretty, we pick Canva as our favorite online design tool.

Don’t have a Canva account yet? Click here to visit the website and register yourself.

Check our Step by Step Canva guide here where we create an Instagram post from scratch. [add link]

You can choose Facebook Ad template under Social Media category.

There are a variety of templates available along with photos and different elements. Some are free while with Canva Pro you can have access to thousands of ready-to-use templates. Little tweaks and you are done!

Moreover, you can use videos available at Canva (some are even free) while creating your Ads.

Most important point: Before finalizing your ad, do not forget to check for recommendations posted on Facebook website.

For example, the supported file types with ratio and resolution, maximum file size and text characters limit, all are defined for your ad.

Step 2: Write a catchy headline and description

You need to be creative and smart while crafting your ad’s headline and text. You only have around 200 characters as per Facebook’s recommendation so you don’t want to write something choppy and get nothing in return.

Choppy text example: We will make you rich with your website.

This text doesn’t help the reader – what are the benefits? How are you going to make the user rich? Why do I need my own website?

Now take a look at this modified version of same text:

We will help you improve your blog and earn with affiliate marketing!

Here we tell the reader that the service includes improving his/her blog and make money through affiliate marketing.

Which one is better?

Step 3: Use appropriate call-to-action (CTA)

CTA encourages the user to pause, read and click on your ad. They are clickable buttons requiring action – such as Sign Up, Learn More, Shop or Download.

Facebook offers a variety of CTAs which you can use on your ad.

Make sure the buttons selected reflect the purpose of your Ad.

If you are offering a consultation service, you can use a button like ‘Get Quote’ encouraging the user to click to learn more about your service and get a quote from you.

Similarly, if you are selling a beauty product, you may use ‘Shop Now’ CTA – which may redirect the user to your website displaying details of the product which was advertised.

Step 4: Understand and Target the right audience

Who is your audience? Whom do you want to sell your product to? Are you looking for young investors to like your Facebook page or website for investing now in retirement plans?

This is what you need to work on – understand who the right audience is and how to target them for your ads.

Facebook ads can flourish your business but at the same time increase your advertising budget if not done correctly.

So consider this step crucial for successful marketing.

If you are selling a beauty product for women, then select women while using Facebook Ads manager. Similarly, if you want to sell shaving creams – then men in their 30s are the ideal audience.

Case Study – Udemy Facebook Ad

Let’s take a look at this Facebook Ad by Udemy where they have used multiple images letting the user swipe right or left to view more courses.

They have utilized the ‘Get Offer’ button as CTA and placed a short & crisp text as their headline.

Disclosure: This article may contain affiliate links and we may earn a small commission when you click on them with no extra cost to you.


What strategies do you use while creating your Facebook Ads? Let us know in the comments!

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